
The current version of Requests is v2.0.15, which you can download from GitHub as a zip or a tarball.

You can also check out the releases page on GitHub for a changelog plus more information.

Alternative Methods

Installing via Composer

If you’re using Composer to manage dependencies, you can add Requests with it.

composer require rmccue/requests


    "require": {
        "rmccue/requests": "^2.0.15"

And if you don’t do so already, make sure you load the Composer autoload file.

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Installing via Git

To install the source code:

$ git clone

And include it in your scripts:

require_once '/path/to/Requests/src/Autoload.php';

You’ll probably also want to register an autoloader:


Previous Versions

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Please create an issue to help us improve the documentation.